Undiscovered Hidden treasure you can still find in India | Explore India

Story Behind Hidden Treasure in India will blow your mind

Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Kerala

Do you at any point had any sort of dreams like you are the champion of the world, you are a character of Game of Thrones, you have super powers and capacities or you have found a treasure underneath your bed and turns out to be a billionaire. Well if you have fantasized about it once in your life you must be aware of the goosebumps that it will give you when you feel each ounce of it

You have heard stories of ancient Indian Kings and Queens who had a luxurious life, You have read your history books about the amount of gold that the people in ancient times have and also about the different techniques of burying the old under the ground to save it from robbers and burglars.

Consider the possibility that I disclose to you that your dream of fortunes can come true. What if I tell you that there are people out there who have never thought of being a millionaire got treasures like the one you have fantasized and you can be the next in the list.

Hidden Treasures in India

These are facts about some of the – Hidden Treasures Found in India, strange but true.

1.      Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Kerala

Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Kerala
Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Kerala

A treasure of billions consisting gold and jewels was found in 2011 in the six chambers of the temple, located in Kerala. A major priceless treasure with massive piles of jewels, idols and coins were uncovered. It was believed that in ancient time, the royal family has donated much of their wealth to temple and apart from what found in the six chambers of the temple there is much more hidden inside.

2.      Gold Coins found in Toilet

Gold Coins found in Toilet
Gold Coins found in Toilet

There is a place in a village of Bengaluru which was used to be a toilet, near an ancient temple where construction is going on. A group of labourer while digging a pit found a hidden gold pot consisting around 50 gold coins which was when studied found approximately 200 years old. Furthermore, another digging at a nearby place unveiled another 50 gold coins. The time period of the coins is said to be the 18th or 19th century when the above-mentioned part was ruled by Hyder Ali (ruler of Mysore).

3.      A treasure of Gold, Hyderabad

A treasure of Gold, Hyderabad
A treasure of Gold, Hyderabad

In Hyderabad, Gold ornaments, silver jewelry and artifacts, coins from the time of Shahjahan, Akbar and even the Roman Empire with an antique value of five to seven crore rupees was recovered from an old house.
The owner of the house wants it to be rebuilt and to do so he has to tear down the older one. In the process of smashing the labours found this hidden treasure.

4.      4000 years old treasure, Indus Valley

4000 years old treasure, Indus Valley
4000 years old treasure, Indus Valley

The treasure was found by some farmers of a village in Uttar Pradesh consisting more than three tonnes of gold jewellery.
As per the words of Archaeologists, the hidden treasure discovered belongs to the Harappan Civilisation, a study of the jewellery made it clear.
Harappan Empire was believed to be the first urban dynasty. In the vicinity of 3000 and 1700 BC, they assembled a progression of tremendous city states along the Indus waterway, in modern day Pakistan and over the border into West India.

Apart from these known stories, there are much more stories famous in the villages about the gold and treasure hidden underneath the earth or inside the ancient forts, museums and temples.

And you can have your fantasies to be turned real as there are such evidence or stories about different places in India where a treasure is hidden.

Undiscovered Treasure In India

Here is a list of the places which are believed to be holding a huge treasure inside.

1.      Son Bhandar Caves, Bihar

Son Bhandar Caves, Bihar
Son Bhandar Caves, Bihar

Son Bhandar literally means ‘store house of gold’

The Son Bhandar Caves go back to third or fourth century AD and is believed to be the entryway to the treasury of the Magadhan King Bimbisarsa. The western chambers of the Caves used to be the guard room and the entryway that lead to King Bimbisarsa’s Treasury. Inscriptions in the Sankhlipi script are found inscribed on the wall of the cave, which are clues to open the doorway to the treasury. As per the legends, on the off chance that anybody figures out how to decode the contents, the entryway will mystically open.

2.      Amer Fort, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Amer Fort, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Amer Fort, Jaipur, Rajasthan

The ruler who lived in the Amer Fort, King Man Singh was believed to be having a priceless treasure. It was assumed that the fortune was concealed in the underground tanks of the fortress porch.

3.      Sri Mookamika Temple, Karnataka

Sri Mookamika Temple, Karnataka
Sri Mookamika Temple, Karnataka

Sri Mookambika Temple is located in the Kollur area of Karnataka. The Nayaks of Bednore which at first controlled under the Vijayanagar kingdom pronounced this sanctuary as their state sanctuary and regarded the icon and the sanctum with plenty of gems.  It is believed that the kings hid a great deal of treasure here in a secretly closed chamber.

There is a huge treasure hidden in the womb of the country India and the same as in the case of history that the deeper you go the more secrets you reveal. It is believed that if the hidden treasures of India are found than India will no longer stay backward when compared to any other country and not a single person in India will sleep with an empty stomach if the same treasure is used for the goods of people.

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